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Secrets To Selling Your House Quickly

Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration. And unfortunately, some sellers are in that tricky spot today.

According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average time a house spends on the market has increased over the past few years.

recent post from notes a similar trend:

During the week ending Sept. 14, homes stayed on the market eight days longer compared to last year. With more choices available and mortgage rates expected to fall, buyers are taking their time, which means sellers will need to be patient and flexible.”

Some of that is because inventory has gone up, so buyers have more options. And higher mortgage rates have definitely slowed demand over the past two years, and that’s out of your control. But here’s the secret. There’s something you can control – it's also where those other sellers missed the mark. They didn’t work with the right agent.

Make no mistake, with the right strategy and agent partner, your house can still sell quickly, even today.

If time matters to you, you need to partner with an agent who understands this shifting market. That agent will be your go-to resource on what buyers are looking for right now, and how to position your home to hit the mark.

Here are just a few tips a great real estate agent will walk you through. They may seem simple, but advice like this can make all the difference.

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