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How To Take Control Of Your Healthcare Renewal Season

With health insurance renewal season rolling around, you may be feeling a little extra stressed and overwhelmed with associated costs. You may even be taking the avoidance route and pushing renewals to the bottom of your “to-do “list. The bad news is that avoiding this healthcare season won’t make rate changes disappear. The good news is that through Seminole County Chamber of Commerce’s partnership with MyHealthily, we have a solution for you, one that means you don’t have to sacrifice support and benefits for you and your team. 

Know your renewal deadline

If you haven’t already guessed, the first step in taking control of your renewal season is to take control! Don’t avoid the inevitable and wait until the last minute to renew your health insurance policy. When you know your renewal deadline and you are communicating this with your employees, it is easier for everyone to know what to expect this season and how to navigate any changes. There may be a plan available that will better suit your needs and save you money.

Licensed Consultants

If you have already looked at what the next year is going to be like regarding your team’s healthcare, you may be ready to shop around. This is the perfect time to schedule a call with a licensed consultant to learn more about what options are available to you through

Your advisor will be able to help you navigate through the thousands of plans offered by our more than 170 carriers to find the one that will best meet your needs. The best part is that this will even enable you to offer support to your 1099, part-time, and seasonal employees.

Non-Insurance Benefits 

One option to take advantage of throughout the year is non-insurance benefits. Non-insurance benefits may include gym memberships, wellness incentives, childcare, life/health/financial coaches, and so much more. When your team stays healthy using outside resources it can help reduce the number of claims submitted to insurance companies. 

As a member of Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, you have access to Prosper Benefits. This is a full suite of non-insurance benefits that is available for free with select plans, or as a stand-alone option. From telemedicine services to mental health consultations, Prosper Benefits has so much to offer you and your team that can help especially when it comes to health insurance renewal rates. 

Wellness Incentives

A great way to promote a healthy team is to offer wellness incentives. This may look like encouraging your employees to fill out health surveys and participate in routine wellness checks. You may even consider creating group challenges that support overall health and wellness. When health and wellness are supported and encouraged it can help to reduce claims to your insurance. As an added benefit, it can help to create a dynamic company culture! 


HSA – Health Savings Account 

While a health savings account isn’t a direct way to avoid rate increases, it can be beneficial in creating savings and security for you and your team. Health savings accounts are individually owned and funded by either an employee, an employer, or both. The funds that are contributed to these accounts can help cover costs of medical events, and as an added bonus, they are tax deductible. 

By taking advantage of these suggestions both now and throughout the year, you can take control of your health insurance renewal process. When you take the action to stay ahead of possible rate increases it will be easier to handle changes that may occur and to continue to be able to offer your team the support they need. 

Let's Get Started

If you are ready to take control this year, schedule your consultation with a licensed healthcare consultant at today! 

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