Run With A Hero
Lake Mary Fire Department in collaboration with Orlando Health and the Lake Mary Police Department will be hosting the 8th annual Run with a Hero 3K.
True Health Community Day!
True Health hosts its annual Community Day giving away free resources and providing health services to all ages!
ForsterBoughman Seminar -- Employment Contracts for Physicians and other Healthcare Providers
Eric Boughman covers key aspects of physician contracts, risks, and negotiation strategies. Get prepared and join us for a riveting and informative seminar.
Hollerbach's German Meat Bingo
Enjoy Meat Bingo at Hollerbach's every Tuesday 6-9 PM! Win meat, support local charities.
Orlando Solar Bears - True Health Fundraiser
Join us on February 28th for an exciting night of action as the Solar Bears hit the ice!
Strawberry Fest
Visitors of the Longwood Strawberry Fest can expect to savor mouthwatering strawberry treats, from fresh-picked berries to decadent desserts.